Wednesday, January 13, 2016

REmember and REveal during Mercury REtrograde!

This article was written by guest writer Vanessa Quintero. 

We may be taking different roads, but they all lead to the same place...home. 
What do I mean by home?  
Not necessarily a physical place- but rather a feeling, a vibration.  
It is vibration of All That Is...The vibration that represents our truth.  
There is a way to free our souls- to liberate us in a way that empowers us to truly live. 
No- it doesn’t involve fixing or learning anything. 
In fact, it is the opposite.  
It is the unlearning of everything that is not truth.  
It is the unmasking.  
It is the undoing.  
It is the revealing, the remembering.
"Remembering what," you may ask? Remembering that we are powerful creators... remembering that we were designed to create with our thoughts. What if we used the creative powers of our thoughts to re-define truth? 

What if we allowed truth to mean "only the thoughts that feel good to us" and then gave ourselves permission release all let go of all the thoughts that do not feel good to our soul? Take a moment to imagine what we could create by giving power to only the thoughts that make us feel good!

There is a reason we feel worry, sadness, and angst when we choose to listen to our ego. It is because the ego is telling us messages that are not true for our soul. 

Our ego tells us that we "are not enough," when our soul knows that being "not enough" is impossible...that we always have been, and always will be, perfect divine beings. 

The best way to move beyond the ego's illusions is to simply shine the light that is inside of us. When we want light in a dark room, we do nothing with the darkness; we simply turn the light switch on....because inside we know that darkness is nothing more than the absence of light. It is not real, it is simply a projection. Darkness is, in so many ways, just another illusion of the ego. 

We are here to extend the light that we are, not to project the illusions that the ego makes us perceive. We can do this by focusing,
everyday, on what makes us feel good. Do not worry about the things that make you feel anything less than great. Do not even allow room in for those thoughts. Understand, when you are vibrating at a level of love and Divine Light, you are simply not a match for the beliefs that vibrates at anything lower.

Think of the words DIS-ease and DIS-order. These are ways that our body reacts to thoughts and behaviors that are dis-aligned with the powerful truth of our soul. When we are are experiencing disease and disorder, it is time to take a look at what we believe to be true. 
We only give power to our thoughts when we tell ourselves that they are true — it is time to realize that not all of the thoughts you think have to be believed.  If it feels good, it is truth. If it produces a reaction that does not feel good, it an illusion.  
So what should we do when we have thoughts that feel less than good?
  1. Feel your emotions, cradle them, tend to them... do this for a small amount of time only. Then declare, “I will begin to release this thought that no longer serves my well being.”
  2. Assess the belief attached to that thought. Is the belief really true? (Probably not!)
  3. Then reprogram your mind to a new belief that serves you and produces relief.
  4. Hold space, patience, and light for yourself. Forgive and remind yourself that this doesn’t have to be hard, but it can take a bit of time. 
Shifting your mind is possible. After all, it is your birthright to feel good and produce a reality that you enjoy...Remember, you do not have the light within you, you are the light.  

If you need an affirmation to help you embrace this truth, I suggest this one: "I am in the process of remembering my Divine birthright to feel good and vibrate higher than the illusions that the ego produces." 

So much love and light to you all!

Vanessa is an Intuitive who specializes in helping people heal patterns of control, including eating disorders. You can contact Vanessa at this link and at Vanessa also produces YouTube videos on a number of topics, check out her most recent video on healing your beliefs. 

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