Saturday, October 12, 2024

✨⭐ Relationship Astrology - ✨⭐ Synastry Made Simple

Relationships can be tricky, but they are much easier when we know why a person is in our life. 

Luckily, Astrology offers us a simple tool to help us discover the true nature of any relationship! 

Here are step-by-step instructions for you!  

(A) Cast your Chart in Whole Sign Houses. 

(B) Determine the Other Person's North Node Sign. 

(C) Determine which house in your chart is ruled by that sign. 

(D) Research the meaning of that house. 

This person came into your life to explore the themes related to the significations and meaning of that house. Enjoy! 

Want to dive deeper? I would love to discuss your relationships in a call or a reading. Check out the "Book a Reading" tab to discover my current services.

๐Ÿฅฐ Just send an email to

It is my greatest joy to support you on your journey!! ✨๐Ÿค✨

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

✨ Cultivating Mental Wellbeing ✨

 Life on Earth can be hard, but facing our journey is much easier with a strong and healthy mind. 

To create physical health most of us know that we need to combine a number of strategies. For example, we need to get regular sleep, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, and move our body. We know which actions build physical health, but are we aware of the things that contribute to our mental health? 

To find out what's best for you, try asking:

"What am I currently doing that is contributing to my well being?"

"What am I currently doing that is detracting from my well being?" 


Sometimes the most powerful thing we can do is stop (or reduce) a behavior that is harming or stressing us, while keeping everything else the same.  


In my recent 3-part video series, I discuss my own journey of discovery and the specific habits that help promote my mental well being.

Inside of you is a powerful instinct about what is good for you. Let this instinct guide you. 

✨⭐ ⭐✨

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Managing Anxiety in Our Digital World

 My heart goes out to the many souls who are currently struggling with anxiety on a daily basis. 

In my ten years of work as a professional intuitive, I have noticed an especially high incidence of anxiety amongst those who identify as "empaths" and "highly sensitive people." These individuals have sensitive nervous systems are are more attuned to their environment. Our environments are becoming more stimulating - with near constant sensory input from our many of devices. The nervous system's of the highly sensitive struggle to keep up with so much sensory "noise." Our head begins spinning, pulling us out of the present moment and into worry and fear. 

We must be vigilant and have courage to (sometimes) stop scrolling in a world where everyone is staring at their screen! Human connection is profoundly healing - getting out of our own head is much easier when we are listening to another and looking in their eyes. It is aided when our focus is moved away from our screens, and heightened when we are actively helping another. 

Getting out of our head is also easier when we are moving our body! A nice walk or hike in nature - feeling the sunshine and wind on our skin, hearing the birds chirping around us, and the wind rustling the leaves - This connects us with the "here and now," letting us know that we are okay! 

The human part of us wasn't meant to exist in an entirely digital world, we were meant to gather with others around a glowing campfire sharing stories, wisdom, and food from the earth! We were meant to eat seasonal food and live in harmony with the changing seasons. Though life has changed, honoring our humanity in small ways can still bring radically positive results, especially for the highly sensitive among us. 

For the highly sensitive person, this might mean going to bed when it gets dark or using only candlelight in the evening hours. This might mean simplifying the diet by focusing it on affordable and available whole foods (like potatoes, rice, beans, apples, oatmeal, carrots, etc). This may mean, taking time once a week to sign out of our devices and join together with others in an offline space (like a club meeting, an intuitive development circle, a hiking meet-up, yoga class or something more). 

And most importantly of all, this may mean limiting the specific content that is worsening our anxiety and fear. This can require radical honesty and we begin to observe how each creator influences our well being. Have the courage to honor how each post/video/article contributes to your well being. Digital Minimalism (a careful and conscious curation of digital content that reflects ones personal values) may be supportive for those who are struggling with anxiety. 

By acknowledging your sensitivity, engaging in self care, and reconnecting to your humanity, we can begin to reduce our anxiety symptoms. Small actions, taken regularly, can change your life...and you deserve to feel good! 

Thanks for reading.

A more in-depth discussion of my thoughts on anxiety can be found in the video above. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Discover Your Best Environments!

Throughout the past year, I have found deep value in the wisdom of Human Design. I have been "living the experiment," as they say...following my strategy and authority each day. 

I recently began exploring Human Design variables, which are indicated by the arrows at the top of the body graph. Of particular note is the Environment variable, which describes the places and spaces that support us in living in alignment with our Design. 

There are six Human Design Environments: Caves, Kitchens, Shores, Valleys, Markets, and Mountains. The environments have both literal and figurative significance. 

Kitchens people may thrive in the kitchen, for example, but they will also be nurtured by any space where people are gathered together to create something pleasing. 

To find our your environment, check out the left grey panel on your Human Design Chart. 

Videos for each environment type are included below. 

Cast Your Human Design Chart:

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Message from Spirit

Sometimes we just need a Message from Spirit...a message to remind us of why we are here... a message to ensure us that we are taking the right step on our path. 

A well timed message can provide strength and clarity for our journey. An accurate message can confirm that we are on the right path. This confirmation is often all that we need to move forward with greater confidence, trust, and ease. 

I am honoured, every day, to deliver messages from The Spirit World. It is my joy to support and assist my clients as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of their Earthly lives. 

I understand that while almost everyone can benefit from supportive messages from The Spirit World, many people are unable to access formal readings. 

Because I believe that all individuals are deserving of accurate and well timed messages from The Spirit World, I have created a series of free videos designed to bring people in touch with the messages they need. 

If you, or someone you know, can benefit from a message - you'll find my full playlist of video messages below. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

๐Ÿช Mercury Retrograde

It happens 3-4 times per year, but is it real? 

Does this planet's movements in the Heavens really impact us down on Earth? 

The short answer is yes...sort of! 

The impact is based on our approach. ๐Ÿ’ก

Mercury Retrograde is our natural time of slowing down. 

Mercury is our planet of communication, commerce, and travel. 

During mercury retrograde the speed of Mercury's movement slows down (relative to Earth). Likewise, we are intended to slow down our communications, commerce, and travel. 

It sounds easy, right? It certainly can be if we willingly choose to slow down, pause, and reflect before sailing ahead after the three-week rest. 

If you match the speed of Mercury, Mercury Retrograde can transform into a beautiful and mindful time of rest, recovery, and replenishment...a natural period of self care that comes around every few months. 

The problems happen when we try to maintain a breakneck speed, becoming out of sync with the energies of the moment. It's like trying to drive 70 miles-per-hour on a 25- mile-an-hour street! Accidents happen when we move too fast.  

Mercury Retrograde is about flowing with what is happening. Adapting; revising our plans. Embracing a gentler, quieter, slower approach. It can be a confusing time, but it can be a beautiful time too. 

Humans were never meant to live a life of 24/7 activities and scrolling. 

To thrive in body and mind, we need times of quiet and rest. Mercury Retrograde periods are those times...if we let them be. 


April 1- April 25th 
August 4 - August 28th 
November 25th - December 15th 

March 14- April 7th 
July 17 - August 11th 
November 9 - November 29th 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Journey of Life

Before our souls set off for an Earthly life, we are filled with promise and hope for the journey ahead. We understand that there will be many challenges, many triumphs, and many glimmers from The Spirit World to guide us on our way. Then we emerge from our mother, and the journey begins. 

In youth, our Guides are near and our hope and faith in the magic of creation lives within our heart and soul. With time, our memory of home begins to fade as we blend with the customs of the Earth plane. As the years pass by, we may forget our true home all together. This is a sign of full integration. 

Although full integration is often the goal, earthly success rarely satisfies us for long. The empty feeling begins in a subtle way, a gentle sense that something is missing. With time that feeling grows, and the search begins. Some search out in the world, and others within themselves. Some don't search at all, simply filling the void with temporary earthly delights. 

The lucky among us do search and we discover some remanence - some reflection, however small, - of the love that flows forth from our true home. This is when our awakening begins. Awakening, though often sought, is afforded only to those souls who are truly ready. For in remembering, there is longing, and in longing there is often pain...pain with hope, and hope with faith. 

If we are lucky, there is faith - an everlasting knowing that we are, and will always be, an eternal soul, untouched, undamaged, by the density of incarnation itself and always and forever, loved, supported, guided and encouraged as we journey through life. 

May we be, forever blessed.