Monday, July 24, 2017

On Manifestation

Manifestation is often touted as a mystical process, when in fact it is quite natural to our experience as human (and spiritual) beings. You manifested this moment, the discovery of this post, the feeling in your heart at this instant. You are a master of manifestation. 

My intention for this post is to take the wisdom of the manifestation process from the subconscious awareness, and bring it into to the awareness of your conscious mind. I will do so by outlining the manifestation process into five steps, based on my experience.

Step 1: Determine your true hearts desire. 
The desire of your heart will not be a physical form (such as a person, a home, a car, etc). The desire of your heart will be a feeling. If you think your heart's desire is something physical...ask yourself, how does having this person/thing make me feel? Then acknowledge the feeling as your true heart's desire. 

Step 2: Make time, each day, to feel the feeling of your true heart's desire. 
The more you allow yourself to feel this feeling, the stronger your manifestation power. If you would like to have the best day of your life, try feeling your chosen feeling for the entire day. 

Step 3: Follow the action step(s) guided by your heart's longing. 
As you feel your heart's most desired feeling, you will likely feel guided to say/do/experience something new, something that's in alignment with your new feeling. Do not hesitate to take the action indicated by your heart. If you experience a pull to go to a certain location, for example, go without question! Just be sure that your action steps are guided by your heart (not your head). How will you know the difference? Action steps guided by your heart will evoke a childlike bliss- you'll do them because of the sheer joy they give you, rather than because of an anticipated outcome. If you find yourself thinking "I must do this, so that this happens," than you're listening to your head, not your heart. 

Step 4: Receive with open arms. 
Everything that comes to you now is a gift. Celebrate all that occurs as your reality shifts around you. 

Step 5: Have gratitude and appreciation for the abundance in your life. 
At this point, your highest manifestation will have arrived. It may not have taken the form that your mind expected- it will likely be even better, as it will have taken the form your HEART desired. 

Happy Manifesting. 
With Great Love, 
Maya Joy KahNah