Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Discover Your Level of Psychic Sensitivity

Although we all have latent psychic potential, and are highly psychic at the level of our soul, experts suggest that only about one-in-five people retain an above average ability to perceive invisible energies during their regular day-to-day life. Many of these people self-identify as "empaths," "highly sensitive persons," or even "psychic mediums."

Psychic sensitivity is often a private matter, and many highly sensitive individuals struggle to understand their abilities and level of development. It is not uncommon for a person to assume they are "normal," whilst experiencing a high degree of energetic sensitivity. This could be because early psychic abilities are often written off as active imaginations, mental or physical health issues, or even mere coincidence.

This was certainly my early experience, which is why I was somewhat shocked last month when I picked up "Managing Psychic Abilities: A Real World Guide for the Highly Sensitive Person," and discovered that, according to Mary Mueller Shutan, I fit into the category of the most highly psychic of all people! To be honest, this was a rather sobering moment, mostly due to the fact that, prior to this time, I had justified my experience by believing that everyone around me was simply lying when they said that they were unable to hear, see, or feel the same things as me!

Nevertheless, I found Ms. Muller's Sensitivity Checklists so incredibly valuable so as to be essential to any highly sensitive person who is fully engaged in mastering their abilities. While I recommend purchasing the book for specific guidance on how to manage your abilities, I thought it may be useful to summarize each psychic level to help people determine if they truly need the book.

Please note that the following descriptions are sequential, meaning that a "highly psychic" person would exhibit characteristics of all the prior categories. 

The Sensitive Person...
The "Sensitive Person" has difficulty coping with violent and negative energies (even those that come from music, television, and movies). This person may often feel overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, and requires additional time alone to decompress after interacting with others. In addition to feeling emotions more deeply, the sensitive person will also struggle with loud noises, bright lighting, and strong scents. These individuals often have strong creative or artistic abilities, great imaginations, and and a deep appreciation for things that are beautiful, like thoughtful Art and music.

The Mildly Psychic Person...
The "Mildly Psychic Person," exhibits all characteristics of the "sensitive person," in addition to being openly interested in spiritual and metaphysical topics. The mildly psychic person has no problem reading others; they know the truth about someone, even if the person is lying or misrepresenting themselves. Occasionally these people will see or hear things that others cannot, like seeing an orb or an aura around a friend. When a person is mildly psychic, they will experience seemingly illogical emotional shifts, such as feeling terrible after walking into an empty room. The mildly psychic person is also sensitive to environmental factors and will be more effected by chemicals and toxins, like medications, junk food, and typical bath products; as such, these individuals generally feel compelled to eat atypical diets (vegan diets for example, or only organic foods) and to utilize natural hygiene and cleaning products. Most mildly psychic people will notice that they feel much better after taking a shower, as water helps in clearing the energetic residue in their field.

The Moderately Psychic Person...
The "Moderately Psychic Person," exhibits all characteristics of the aforementioned categories in addition to spontaneous spiritual gifts (such as being able to read cards, or heal others, with no formal training). These people experience regular psychic phenomenon, like: remembering dreams, hearing messages from their guides and angels, sensing lunar and astrological changes, or being impacted by events (like a natural disasters) that take place far away, and without the person's knowledge . It is typical for moderately psychic individuals to feel out of time and place, due to the ability to perceive energies that are beyond the current "now moment." These people will usually feel a strong pull to uncover deep spiritual truths, as well as the spiritual cause of disease. Speaking of health, moderately psychic people often have mysterious health conditions and tend to be diagnosed with: heart issues, migraine headaches, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disease. These people often have food sensitivities (especially to gluten, meat, or sugar) and may experience unexplained dizziness.

The Highly Psychic Person...
The "Highly Psychic Person," will exhibit characteristics of all of the aforementioned categories in addition to: near death experiences, moderate-to-severe childhood trauma, continual synchronicities, healing powers, and  extremely intense dreams of times, people, and places that are unknown to the person's conscious mind. Other common experiences for the highly psychic person include: ability to hear and feel the vibrations of land, abilities to pass through spiritual gateways, ability to view and understand karmic patterns, ability to see and feel past lives, seeing or sensing grids around the planet, and frequent out-of-body experiences. This level of psychic ability is usually ancestral, and the highly psychic individual will often have an intimate relationship with their most psychic ancestor (whether living or 'dead'). The highly psychic person will always be processing energy and will understand that they need to process through the energy of their family lineage in addition to transmuting energies from the world at large. Of all the types of highly sensitive people, it is the highly psychic person who will struggle the most to function in daily life. It is also the highly psychic person that will have the greatest difficulty accepting their psychic abilities.


  1. Hey there ! :-)

    I just want to thank you for your video about north node in 4th house on Youtube. It's just amazing! I have this 4th house north node, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. It's so true! I want to give you a feedback, that you described it exactly how it is. Thank you very much!


    1. Lili - I am so so so glad that you found the 4th house video to be helpful. Thank you for watching my channel. Many blessings to you. ღ Maya
