Tuesday, April 30, 2024

A Message from Spirit

Sometimes we just need a Message from Spirit...a message to remind us of why we are here... a message to ensure us that we are taking the right step on our path. 

A well timed message can provide strength and clarity for our journey. An accurate message can confirm that we are on the right path. This confirmation is often all that we need to move forward with greater confidence, trust, and ease. 

I am honoured, every day, to deliver messages from The Spirit World. It is my joy to support and assist my clients as they navigate the challenges and opportunities of their Earthly lives. 

I understand that while almost everyone can benefit from supportive messages from The Spirit World, many people are unable to access formal readings. 

Because I believe that all individuals are deserving of accurate and well timed messages from The Spirit World, I have created a series of free videos designed to bring people in touch with the messages they need. 

If you, or someone you know, can benefit from a message - you'll find my full playlist of video messages below. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

🪐 Mercury Retrograde

It happens 3-4 times per year, but is it real? 

Does this planet's movements in the Heavens really impact us down on Earth? 

The short answer is yes...sort of! 

The impact is based on our approach. 💡

Mercury Retrograde is our natural time of slowing down. 

Mercury is our planet of communication, commerce, and travel. 

During mercury retrograde the speed of Mercury's movement slows down (relative to Earth). Likewise, we are intended to slow down our communications, commerce, and travel. 

It sounds easy, right? It certainly can be if we willingly choose to slow down, pause, and reflect before sailing ahead after the three-week rest. 

If you match the speed of Mercury, Mercury Retrograde can transform into a beautiful and mindful time of rest, recovery, and replenishment...a natural period of self care that comes around every few months. 

The problems happen when we try to maintain a breakneck speed, becoming out of sync with the energies of the moment. It's like trying to drive 70 miles-per-hour on a 25- mile-an-hour street! Accidents happen when we move too fast.  

Mercury Retrograde is about flowing with what is happening. Adapting; revising our plans. Embracing a gentler, quieter, slower approach. It can be a confusing time, but it can be a beautiful time too. 

Humans were never meant to live a life of 24/7 activities and scrolling. 

To thrive in body and mind, we need times of quiet and rest. Mercury Retrograde periods are those times...if we let them be. 


April 1- April 25th 
August 4 - August 28th 
November 25th - December 15th 

March 14- April 7th 
July 17 - August 11th 
November 9 - November 29th 

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

The Journey of Life

Before our souls set off for an Earthly life, we are filled with promise and hope for the journey ahead. We understand that there will be many challenges, many triumphs, and many glimmers from The Spirit World to guide us on our way. Then we emerge from our mother, and the journey begins. 

In youth, our Guides are near and our hope and faith in the magic of creation lives within our heart and soul. With time, our memory of home begins to fade as we blend with the customs of the Earth plane. As the years pass by, we may forget our true home all together. This is a sign of full integration. 

Although full integration is often the goal, earthly success rarely satisfies us for long. The empty feeling begins in a subtle way, a gentle sense that something is missing. With time that feeling grows, and the search begins. Some search out in the world, and others within themselves. Some don't search at all, simply filling the void with temporary earthly delights. 

The lucky among us do search and we discover some remanence - some reflection, however small, - of the love that flows forth from our true home. This is when our awakening begins. Awakening, though often sought, is afforded only to those souls who are truly ready. For in remembering, there is longing, and in longing there is often pain...pain with hope, and hope with faith. 

If we are lucky, there is faith - an everlasting knowing that we are, and will always be, an eternal soul, untouched, undamaged, by the density of incarnation itself and always and forever, loved, supported, guided and encouraged as we journey through life. 

May we be, forever blessed. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

"5 Things I Know for Sure" - Maya's Insights from 5,000 Psychic Readings

Throughout life we are faced with times of great uncertainty. During these times life can feel random, unordered, unfair, and lacking in meaning and purpose.

"What is going on down here," we can think to ourselves.

What I've learned from 5,000 readings is that things are not nearly as random as they seem.

Although it can be very difficult for our mind to make sense of what is taking place, there is an awareness within us (our heart, our soul) that is always at peace in the understanding that our life is unfolding perfectly.

Earth is a strange place with customs that run opposite to the values of our Higher Selves. Luckily we come here with a clear plan, a purpose,  a team of allies, a built-in compass, and the love and support of Divine Beings who are fully committed to our growth and evolution!

Thank goodness!

Curious to learn more about this topic? Check out Maya's Recent talk "5 Things I Know for Sure," which she delivered last Saturday at Coyote Wisdom Bookstore in Lansing, MI. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Your Astrological North Node, A Key to True Love's Door

In my work with Twin Flames, I have found astrological north nodes to be absolutely invaluable. Twin Flame couples who align with the energy of their North Node generally stay together, those who fall into the energy of their South Node (the sign opposite their north node) separate. With the current crisis of Twin Flame Separation, North Node astrology is more important than ever.

Astrological Symbol for North Node 

Your North Node is an astrological indication of your life's purpose and spiritual mission. The energy and activities indicated by your North Node sign will help you to balance past life patterns that may be limiting your ability to thrive in this lifetime. Many people have a huge aversion to their North Node energy, since the path of their North Node will take them opposite of their past life comfort zone. With that said, following the path outlined by your North Node is one of the quickest ways to come into alignment with the highest path of your soul.

To find the sign of your North Node, please locate your birthdate on the list below.
Click on the name of your North Node for a video about the meaning. 

January 1, 1940 - May 24, 1941
May 25, 1941 - November 21, 1942
November 22, 1942 - May 11, 1944
May 12, 1944 - December 3, 1945
December 4, 1945 - August 2, 1947
August 3, 1947- January 26, 1949
January 27, 1949 - July 26, 1950
July 27, 1950 - March 28, 1952
March 29, 1951 - October 9, 1953
October 10, 1953 - April 2, 1955
April 3, 1955 - October 4, 1956
October 5, 1956 - June 16, 1958
June 17, 1958 - December 15, 1959
December 16, 1959 - June 10, 1961 
June 11, 1961 - December 23, 1962 
December 24, 1962 - August 25, 1964
August 26, 1964 - February 19, 1966
February 20, 1966 - August 19, 1967 
August 20, 1967 - April 19, 1969
April 20, 1969 - November 2, 1970 
November 3, 1970 - April 27, 1972 
April 28, 1972 - October 27, 1973 
October 28, 1973 - July 9, 1975 
July 10, 1975 - January 7, 1977 
January 8, 1977 - July 5, 1978 
July 6, 1978 - January 5, 1980 
January 6, 1980 - September 24, 1981 
September 25, 1981 - March 16, 1983
March 17, 1983 - September 11, 1984 
September 12, 1984 - April 6, 1986 
April 7, 1986 - December 2, 1987 
December 3, 1987 - May 22, 1989 
May 23, 1989 - November 18, 1990 
November 19, 1990 - August 1, 1992 
August 2, 1992 - February 1, 1994 
February 2, 1994 - July 31, 1995 
August 1, 1995 - January 25, 1997 
January 26, 1997 - October 20, 1998 
October 21, 1998 - April 9, 2000 
April 10, 2000- October 13, 2001 
October 14, 2001 - April 14, 2003 
April 15, 2003 - December 26, 2004 
December 27, 2004 - June 22, 2006 
June 23, 2006 - December 18, 2007 
December 19, 2007 - August 21, 2009 
August 22, 2009 - March 3, 2011 
March 4, 2012 - August 29, 2012 
August 30, 2012 - February 18, 2014 
February 18, 2014 - November 11th, 2015
November 12, 2015 - May 9, 2017 
May 10, 2017 - November 6, 2018
November 7, 2018 - May 5, 2020 
May 6, 2020 - January 18, 2022 
January 19, 2022 - July 17, 2023 

Note: For best results, you'll want to know the sign of your North Node and the house in which your North Node resides. To find the house (and degree) of your North Node, you can use a free chart generator, like this one, or you can can get a reading with Maya.

Interested in learning more about North Nodes? In addition to exploring, "Cosmic Love," which outlines relationship advice by North Node, you may also consider reading "Astrology of The Soul," which offers excellent day-to-day advice for each North Node.

Monday, July 24, 2017

On Manifestation

Manifestation is often touted as a mystical process, when in fact it is quite natural to our experience as human (and spiritual) beings. You manifested this moment, the discovery of this post, the feeling in your heart at this instant. You are a master of manifestation. 

My intention for this post is to take the wisdom of the manifestation process from the subconscious awareness, and bring it into to the awareness of your conscious mind. I will do so by outlining the manifestation process into five steps, based on my experience.

Step 1: Determine your true hearts desire. 
The desire of your heart will not be a physical form (such as a person, a home, a car, etc). The desire of your heart will be a feeling. If you think your heart's desire is something physical...ask yourself, how does having this person/thing make me feel? Then acknowledge the feeling as your true heart's desire. 

Step 2: Make time, each day, to feel the feeling of your true heart's desire. 
The more you allow yourself to feel this feeling, the stronger your manifestation power. If you would like to have the best day of your life, try feeling your chosen feeling for the entire day. 

Step 3: Follow the action step(s) guided by your heart's longing. 
As you feel your heart's most desired feeling, you will likely feel guided to say/do/experience something new, something that's in alignment with your new feeling. Do not hesitate to take the action indicated by your heart. If you experience a pull to go to a certain location, for example, go without question! Just be sure that your action steps are guided by your heart (not your head). How will you know the difference? Action steps guided by your heart will evoke a childlike bliss- you'll do them because of the sheer joy they give you, rather than because of an anticipated outcome. If you find yourself thinking "I must do this, so that this happens," than you're listening to your head, not your heart. 

Step 4: Receive with open arms. 
Everything that comes to you now is a gift. Celebrate all that occurs as your reality shifts around you. 

Step 5: Have gratitude and appreciation for the abundance in your life. 
At this point, your highest manifestation will have arrived. It may not have taken the form that your mind expected- it will likely be even better, as it will have taken the form your HEART desired. 

Happy Manifesting. 
With Great Love, 
Maya Joy KahNah 

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Discover Your Level of Psychic Sensitivity

Although we all have latent psychic potential, and are highly psychic at the level of our soul, experts suggest that only about one-in-five people retain an above average ability to perceive invisible energies during their regular day-to-day life. Many of these people self-identify as "empaths," "highly sensitive persons," or even "psychic mediums."

Psychic sensitivity is often a private matter, and many highly sensitive individuals struggle to understand their abilities and level of development. It is not uncommon for a person to assume they are "normal," whilst experiencing a high degree of energetic sensitivity. This could be because early psychic abilities are often written off as active imaginations, mental or physical health issues, or even mere coincidence.

This was certainly my early experience, which is why I was somewhat shocked last month when I picked up "Managing Psychic Abilities: A Real World Guide for the Highly Sensitive Person," and discovered that, according to Mary Mueller Shutan, I fit into the category of the most highly psychic of all people! To be honest, this was a rather sobering moment, mostly due to the fact that, prior to this time, I had justified my experience by believing that everyone around me was simply lying when they said that they were unable to hear, see, or feel the same things as me!

Nevertheless, I found Ms. Muller's Sensitivity Checklists so incredibly valuable so as to be essential to any highly sensitive person who is fully engaged in mastering their abilities. While I recommend purchasing the book for specific guidance on how to manage your abilities, I thought it may be useful to summarize each psychic level to help people determine if they truly need the book.

Please note that the following descriptions are sequential, meaning that a "highly psychic" person would exhibit characteristics of all the prior categories. 

The Sensitive Person...
The "Sensitive Person" has difficulty coping with violent and negative energies (even those that come from music, television, and movies). This person may often feel overwhelmed by day-to-day tasks, and requires additional time alone to decompress after interacting with others. In addition to feeling emotions more deeply, the sensitive person will also struggle with loud noises, bright lighting, and strong scents. These individuals often have strong creative or artistic abilities, great imaginations, and and a deep appreciation for things that are beautiful, like thoughtful Art and music.

The Mildly Psychic Person...
The "Mildly Psychic Person," exhibits all characteristics of the "sensitive person," in addition to being openly interested in spiritual and metaphysical topics. The mildly psychic person has no problem reading others; they know the truth about someone, even if the person is lying or misrepresenting themselves. Occasionally these people will see or hear things that others cannot, like seeing an orb or an aura around a friend. When a person is mildly psychic, they will experience seemingly illogical emotional shifts, such as feeling terrible after walking into an empty room. The mildly psychic person is also sensitive to environmental factors and will be more effected by chemicals and toxins, like medications, junk food, and typical bath products; as such, these individuals generally feel compelled to eat atypical diets (vegan diets for example, or only organic foods) and to utilize natural hygiene and cleaning products. Most mildly psychic people will notice that they feel much better after taking a shower, as water helps in clearing the energetic residue in their field.

The Moderately Psychic Person...
The "Moderately Psychic Person," exhibits all characteristics of the aforementioned categories in addition to spontaneous spiritual gifts (such as being able to read cards, or heal others, with no formal training). These people experience regular psychic phenomenon, like: remembering dreams, hearing messages from their guides and angels, sensing lunar and astrological changes, or being impacted by events (like a natural disasters) that take place far away, and without the person's knowledge . It is typical for moderately psychic individuals to feel out of time and place, due to the ability to perceive energies that are beyond the current "now moment." These people will usually feel a strong pull to uncover deep spiritual truths, as well as the spiritual cause of disease. Speaking of health, moderately psychic people often have mysterious health conditions and tend to be diagnosed with: heart issues, migraine headaches, digestive disorders, chronic fatigue, and autoimmune disease. These people often have food sensitivities (especially to gluten, meat, or sugar) and may experience unexplained dizziness.

The Highly Psychic Person...
The "Highly Psychic Person," will exhibit characteristics of all of the aforementioned categories in addition to: near death experiences, moderate-to-severe childhood trauma, continual synchronicities, healing powers, and  extremely intense dreams of times, people, and places that are unknown to the person's conscious mind. Other common experiences for the highly psychic person include: ability to hear and feel the vibrations of land, abilities to pass through spiritual gateways, ability to view and understand karmic patterns, ability to see and feel past lives, seeing or sensing grids around the planet, and frequent out-of-body experiences. This level of psychic ability is usually ancestral, and the highly psychic individual will often have an intimate relationship with their most psychic ancestor (whether living or 'dead'). The highly psychic person will always be processing energy and will understand that they need to process through the energy of their family lineage in addition to transmuting energies from the world at large. Of all the types of highly sensitive people, it is the highly psychic person who will struggle the most to function in daily life. It is also the highly psychic person that will have the greatest difficulty accepting their psychic abilities.